10 Best Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

What is Hypertension?

List of Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Quickly Naturally: High BP or hypertension is one of the common diseases. That is nowadays frequent due to the changing lifestyle of humans. High blood pressure brings on several diseases with itself. Which include heart attack, heart attack, kidney failure, etc. Blood pressure is the force that blood is applied to the arteries when the heart pumps blood. Try one time Top 10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure.

There are many superfoods that can slow down because of the problem of high blood pressure. Below is a list of these foods. As we know, hypertension affects a large number of people worldwide and for this reason, new forms and foods are often ingested to help control or reduce it. We will tell you foods that lower blood pressure.

The Top 10 Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

Following are 10 foods that lower blood pressure, these have beneficial effects in reducing blood pressure. Despite the findings, we must not forget the important role that reducing sodium levels, the salt, to combat hypertension.

The Top 10 Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

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1. Grape Seed Extract:

A small seed could have a significant impact on the control of high blood pressure. A clinical study with adult pre-hypertensive patients at research showed that grape seed extract decreases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after 8 weeks. Patients were given a dose of 300 mg per day of the extract resulting in a very significant reduction.

2. Cereal:

Eating a bowl of whole grain and high-fiber breakfast such as oatmeal, diced oatmeal, bran flakes or shredded wheat, can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, according to recent findings by researchers at Harvard. If you consume it daily, it could reduce your risk by 20%. Add to this the recent research on blueberries, and you could increase the health benefits by adding berries to your cereal bowl every morning.

3. Nuts:

Raisins and nuts have been shown to reduce blood pressure. Recently it is researched, the effects of daily consumption of nuts on the function of the endothelium (inner layer of blood vessels) and other markers of cardiac risk in a population of individuals with overweight and abdominal adiposity. It was found that the daily intake of 56 grams of nuts, not only improved the function of the arteries but decreased systolic and on the contrary, did not contribute to weight gain.

Another study evaluated the effects of pistachios on blood pressure in response to acute stress. Participants, who had high cholesterol, showed a reduction in systolic blood pressure after consuming one serving of pistachios per day (30 g) for 3 weeks.

4. Beet Juice:

A study showed that a cup of beet juice (240 ml) a day could help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure (about 10 mm Hg = millimeters of mercury). Beet juice contains nitrate, which would help relax the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow. Beet juice (1 cup) contains about 0.2 g of nitrate, an amount we can find in a large bowl of lettuce or in 2 whole beets.

5. Chocolates:

Chocolate as a medicine for blood pressure: What an excellent idea! But it really can help. Black chocolate is rich in flavonoids, natural compounds that cause dilation of blood vessels, Harvard researchers who analyzed 24 studies of chocolate said. The higher the cocoa content, the better it is for your health. Look for the black chocolate bars that say they contain 70% cocoa.

6. Dairy Products and Yogurt:

Dairy products and probiotic yogurt and other fermented foods (including some cheeses) can help lower blood pressure, Australian researchers reported recently. The key is to eat foods rich in probiotics daily. Consuming them for less than eight weeks did not reduce blood pressure, but for a longer time, it did represent a drop in systolic pressure (the number above) by an average of 3.6 mm Hg. When choosing your daily yogurt, make sure the label says “live and active cultures.

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Numerous studies have shown that a diet with more dairy products and nuts, but with less meat, is associated with a lower risk of developing high blood pressure and a decrease in systolic pressure.

7. Switch to Decaf:

If you have problems controlling your blood pressure, switching to decaffeinated coffee may help, according to coffee expert Rob van Dam, assistant professor of nutrition at Harvard. Caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure that lasts more than three hours if you suffer from hypertension and are not a habitual consumer of coffee.

8. Raisins:

In a study of 12 weeks, participants ate raisins or an alternative snack same amount of calories, 3 times a day. At weeks 4, 8, and 12, those who ate the raisins as a snack significantly reduced their systolic blood pressure, and diastolic pressure was not compared to those who consumed the snack alternative. The raisins have the potential to lower blood pressure due to their content of fiber, potassium, and phytonutrients.

9. Blueberries by Mounds:

If your blood pressure is at an unhealthy level signal, eating a cup of blueberries a day may help reduce it. In a 2015 study of women between the ages of 45 and 65 in the early stages of hypertension, half of them consumed 22 grams of powdered blue cranberries (equivalent to one cup of fresh blueberries) a day for eight weeks.

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While the other half consumed an identical-looking powder that contained nothing of blueberries. After eight weeks, the systolic blood pressure (the number above) of the group consuming blueberries had dropped by 5 mmHg, while the readings for the placebo group remained the same.

10. Flax Seeds:

A scientific study showed the effects of flaxseed on blood pressure in individuals with peripheral artery obliterans (narrowing and blockage of arteries). Patients with this condition are at high risk for high blood pressure.

Participants received 30 grams of slim seed per day for 6 months. Systolic blood pressure decreased 10 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 8 mm Hg.

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