How to Lower Your Cholesterol – 10 easy ways to lower your cholesterol

How to Lower Your Cholesterol 10 Easy Steps: If your doctor has told you that you have high cholesterol, it is vital that you change your diet and lifestyle to reduce the risk of heart disease. Many times, the solution is in the palm of your hand, and with simple and inexpensive measures, you can solve a big problem.

For a long time, we have seen cholesterol as the villain of heart health, but our understanding of this beast has changed. Anyone with diabetes, heart disease, or “bad” cholesterol greater than 190 has a risk of a heart attack of more than 7.5%. Anyone with high cholesterol should fight the issue on their own. Also, Check How Many Calories Should i Eat to Lose Weight.

The Best Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

The Best Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

Also, remember that not all cholesterol is the same. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is “good” cholesterol and it is positive to maintain its relatively high level. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is “bad” cholesterol and you need to keep it at bay.

Here are some lifestyle modifications you can try to reduce bad cholesterol and bring good cholesterol to healthy levels. If you have a family history of high cholesterol, these strategies may not be enough, so talk to your doctor to design a preventive treatment that is right for you. We will discuss How to Lower Your Cholesterol 10 Easy Steps.

How to Lower Your Cholesterol 10 Easy Steps: 10 Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Following are the steps to Lower Your Cholesterol In 10 Easy ways:

Control the Portions:

Portions of food are often too large, but there is a practical way to shrink them: measuring with your hands. An ideal portion of meat or fish is what fits in the palm of your hand. A portion of fresh fruit is the size of a fist. And a serving of cooked vegetables, rice, or pasta, should fit in the hollowed hand. Also read about Best Seven Layer Taco Dip Recipe.

Take More Fruits and Vegetables:

If your cholesterol is at the high limit or is too high, limit your cholesterol intake to 200 mg per day. Follow a nutritious and balanced diet, low in saturated fat, and trans fats, and include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products without fat or low in fat.

Consume More Fish:

Take fish at least 2 times a week. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol and platelet formation in the arteries. The most recommended are salmon and tuna.

Whole Grains at Breakfast:

A bowl of oatmeal or whole grain has benefits that last all day. Other grains you can choose from are popcorn, rice, barley, and whole wheat flour. They all contribute fiber, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6, prevent disease development and help lower LDL or “bad” cholesterol. Instead of other foods, opt for a handful of nuts when hunger strikes you. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, nuts, pine nuts, and pistachios are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats that help lower cholesterol levels.

Yes to Unsaturated Fats:

They are fats that help lower blood cholesterol if used instead of saturated, although they have many calories, so you need to limit your intake. Olive, canola, peanut, and liquid margarine oils mainly contain unsaturated fat.

More Fiber, Less Potatoes:

A high-fiber diet has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease. Insoluble fiber is in cereals, whole grain breads, rice, and vegetables. And soluble fiber is in oatmeal, dried legumes, and peas and in apples, strawberries, and citrus.

Get Moving:

Many studies have shown the clear benefits that physical activity reports to the body in people of all ages. 30 minutes a day can raise “good” cholesterol levels and lower “bad” cholesterol.

Walking, a Good Start:

You do not have to be a marathon runner to benefit from physical activity. The Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute advises you to do activities that you like and make them part of your daily habits. Many people like to start walking, and gradually increase time and distance.

Food Can Be The Best Medicine:

There are foods, such as those listed below, that lower cholesterol by themselves:

  • Apple:

It is considered one of the healthiest, being especially rich in vitamin B. Having pectin prevents intestinal absorption of LDL cholesterol and also helps to lower blood sugar. Taking two apples a day can reduce “bad” cholesterol by up to 15% in a few weeks.

  • Soy:

In addition to reducing cholesterol, it has an effect on the female hormonal system helping during menopause or premenstrual syndrome. It is usually taken in various forms such as tofu, soy milk, yogurt, flour, etc.

  • Garlic and Onion:

Both stimulate the pancreas and liver to facilitate fat digestion and lower cholesterol. Garlic, more medicine than food, prevents platelets from forming in the blood. Both can be consumed raw, as they maintain their properties better, but for sensitive stomachs can add them to broths and soups.

  • Olive Oil:

The richest in oleic acid, monounsaturated fat has a remarkable effect on cholesterol. But it must be virgin and obtained by first pressure.

  • Eggplants:

In addition to being a rich source of potassium, it regulates levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood. It is recommended for those who have high cholesterol, to take them stewed, sauteed, or steamed.

  • Artichokes:

It contains cinnarine, a substance that works by blocking the synthesis of cholesterol and stimulates the production of bile that causes fats to dissolve and cholesterol before it can settle in the body.

  • Green Beans:

Rich in soluble fiber that reduces high cholesterol levels. This fiber carries “bad” cholesterol and removes it from the body. It is also very rich in vitamins.

  • Green Tea:

In addition to a proven cholesterol-lowering effect, it is an antioxidant.

  • Flax Seeds:

Its main contribution is its high fiber content, which favors the intestinal rhythm, and its lignan content of flax, which contributes to HDL cholesterol. It is also an important source of omega-3 that counteracts harmful cholesterol.

  •  Nuts:

Rich in omega 3 and omega 6, they reduce “bad” cholesterol and provide “good” cholesterol.

Lose Weight:

Lose Weight to Lower Your Cholesterol

You can lower your cholesterol levels significantly by losing 5 to 10% of your body weight. Achieving it is not necessarily easy, but you can start with small steps. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine in simple ways, like going up and down stairs. Replace a fast-food lunch with a healthy, home-cooked meal and chew carrots instead of fries. Slowly introducing more exercise and healthier foods can have a big impact on your weight and, by extension, lower your cholesterol.

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