How to Make Margaritas with Margarita Mix

Well prior to understanding how to make margaritas. We must know what exactly a margarita is. It is the most popular cocktail that is made and based on tequila. In addition, it appears to be a very cool and ideal drink for summer. The margarita cocktail is one of the most popular and also one of the drinks that are made by combinations of ingredients.

This is coupled with the wide variety of premium tequilas that exist in the market. It makes it impossible to know what tequila choice you can opt for, for your margarita cocktail. The Margarita is one of the most popular cocktails and best known and also very easy and simple to make.

What is a Margarita?

It seems that everything arose from the amorous passion felt by a Mexican barman. Who was a famous actress who loved tequila but did not drink alone? Let us see how it is done and let us learn how to make margaritas.

If you continue reading this article: You will discover how to make margaritas and what type of tequila you should choose to have a perfect margarita and become the king of the party. It is so easy to prepare a Margarita that anyone can do, but not everyone knows how to make a perfect Margarita. The first thing you should know is that you need high-quality tequila.

How to Make Margaritas Cocktail:

How to Make Margaritas Cocktail

How is it done? Recipe Spread salt in a dish rubs the edge of a cocktail glass with lemon and pass it over the salt so that the edge is covered with salt. To prepare the margarita cocktail at home all you need are:

  • 2 parts of tequila
  • 1 part dry triple liqueur
  • 1 part lime or lemon juice
  • Crushed ice
  • Salt

Steps for How to Make Margaritas Cocktail:

Put the ice that is crushed into a shaker and then add all the ingredients. We shake until we notice that the shaker itself makes frost. In a margarita glass, top it with salt on the edge pour the contents and add a slice of lemon on the edge to decorate. As mentioned, there are many varieties of margarita cocktails to which fruit like strawberries is added. It’s all about trying and choosing the one you like best.

The Best Tequilas for Margaritas:

Types of Tequilas:

There are usually three main types of tequilas that are the best for making margaritas. However, there are two subgenres such as the extra old tequila and the young tequila (or tequila gold). That practically is bottled just after leaving the distillation process. These two are also considered good ones.

For most cocktails, the liqueur is what is used. It is used as pure as possible and it does not have just flavour and does not ruin the mixture. Therefore, the best tequila for daisy is white tequila, also called silver tequila. Which just add flavour and are perfect for any kind of cocktail. The Margarita cocktail is already a classic in the world of mixology, in the context of a party or lunch is usually regarded as an appetizer. As for its origin, the truth thing is that nothing is clear as yet.

Although all the versions seem to be around the 1940s, some in origin had tequila, triple sec and lime in equal parts, half tequila and half triple sec with lime, one Margaret Sames being the one who gave the final touch frosted the edge of the glass with salt. The margarita is one of the most popular drinks.

Today, you do not even have to go to a bar or Mexican establishment to taste it, and most family restaurant chains have their own recipes. Like many great inventions it is characterized by its simplicity; only four ingredients you need to make a classic margarita: tequila, triple sec, lemon and salt. The rest are variations.

What is The Secret to a Good Margarita?

First, you should know that it is a cocktail and as such you should prepare it. That is, you put the ingredients with ice in a shaker and beat them well. The other, a good balance between the ingredients: more tequila or less tequila of the account and the ruin.

The ingredients

  1. Tequila: clear or dark? The truth is that it does not matter; it is a matter of taste. What is important is that you choose a good quality.
  2. Triple sec: It is a liqueur made from Chinese peels, thus contributing to the citrus flavour.
  3. Lemon: Choose them at their optimum (that has not exceeded the ripening point) and do not use any that you have chopped and have stored in the refrigerator because its taste must have already changed.


If you take it in an establishment and you like it, ask how they prepared it (proportions and brands … you are on your right) so that you have an idea. If you want to make it at home, here we offer you a recipe. Most important of all, whether you are at home or on the street, drink in moderation and if you take, please pass the key.

How to Make Margaritas:

Following is the best and easy way to make margaritas and amazing what you can do at home. Follow the recipe to be the king of the ring. Here it has a look;


  • 1 ½ oz. Of tequila (100% agave)
  • 1 ½ oz. Triple sec (china liquor)
  • 1 oz. lemon juice
  • Coarse salt

Steps for How to Make Margaritas:

  • Put salt on a plate.
  • Moisten the edge of a glass and place it in such a way that it faces down on the salt to adhere to the edge.
  • Put ice in the glass with salt.
  • Mix liquids in a shaker, add ice and beat vigorously.
  • Pour into the glass with salt.

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